Gamertag: Necromaniac1337
Name: Michael Wayne Muck
Age: 16
About yourself (Outside of game): A skater who likes to screw around and fu** up things to the extreme but can also do the exact opposite if in the mood or has to by someone else's orders.
Strengths: Following orders, stickies, melee, traveling fast, splatters, and semi-auto precision weapons.
Weaknesses: Sniping, camping, avoiding opponents with armor lock while driving, and furries. Ew... furries x.x
How did you find out about us/who recruited you: Vexiox2234 (leader) and followed past experiences of older clans.
Why do you want to join: I believe it is best to join a new clan that already has some strength because it means more power and more power=more stability. That's pretty much all I should be focused on clan-wise for now.