There is a code and conduct that each Spartan should abide by, these are the rules.
#1: Respect all your fellow teammates, but especially your superiors.
#2: No trash talking on the website. I do not want to see anyone talking bad about another person.
#3: NO TEABAGGING, one of my biggest rules, the only scenario when you can is when you and your buddies are playing around. In clan matches and matchmaking, I will have none of it.
#4: Have fun, no reason to nerd rage on anyone.
#5: No bragging, nobody likes a person that gloats.
Follow Uniform RulesIf you follow these rules, you should be fine. Please, don't let me catch you breaking any of them. If you do it enough I will have to hand out punishment. Thank You!
- Vexiox2234